Soldier and DaughterThis is the final post in my series discussing special issues that a military couple may face during a military divorce. While all divorces address basic topics such as child custody, property distribution, and child support, when one or both spouses are in the military then additional needs may arise. I began this series so that military members and their spouses can be prepared prior and through the duration of the divorce and understand how the court will approach their specialized needs.

During this series I have addressed a number of topics including:

In most ways a military divorce is no different than a civilian divorce. The court divides property in a fair manner and will look out for the best interest of the children. Child support is based on a standard state formula and spousal support is decided on based on several considerations. Military divorces, however, often have unique circumstances which an attorney must know how to handle. If a spouse files for divorce while the military member is deployed then your attorney can file to have the proceedings stayed until one returns from active duty. It is also important for one’s family lawyer to understand which nontaxable income a military member earns may be counted towards child support. Furthermore, child custody often becomes an issue and an attorney experienced in military matters may be able to work out an agreeable settlement if one understands the life of being in the military.

JD Garrett is an understanding and effective divorce lawyer for military members because he served in the US Army himself. Contact our office today and schedule a consultation.